Encouraging Caregivers During COVID-19 [with 16 Daily Affirmations]

If you’re a caregiver to a family member, you may have already felt stretched thin in your life without a global emergency impeding on your daily routines. Now performing general tasks takes more thought and consideration than any of us thought necessary. The struggles that the coronavirus have introduced into our lives are overwhelming, and the increased stress can impact sleep, emotions, and how we react to family members and friends. 

As we seek to offer you tips in this article, let’s be clear about something - this isn’t about perfection. Your worth isn’t tied to your output. Your worth is not in question, here. Just do your personal best.

In a time where so much is out of our control, maintain what you can, as well as you can. Preserve your important relationships by scheduling calls and visual calls. Support your physical wellbeing with food, exercise, and sleep - all building blocks to a healthy life. Manage your emotions and mental health with meaningful talks with friends, journaling, and speak to a professional counselor if you need it. Support a schedule that’s doable and not too overwhelming. 

16 Daily Caregiver Affirmations

16 Daily Caregiver Affirmations

How we think about our circumstances determines how we cope with them. Our mindsets are set by our thought processes, so keeping a positive outlook is vital to our overall mental health. If you feel like you’re struggling at all mentally - start small by reciting encouraging words of affirmation for yourself and your loved ones. Add these positive confessions to your daily routines, while you’re at it - include the practice of journaling, and take advantage of guided meditations like the ones offered through the smartphone app, Headspace

Kick-off your journaling practice by taking in this peaceful view of the Live Jellyfish Cam at the Monterey Bay Aquarium. Isn’t it calming? (You’re welcome!) 

No, not all of our mental battles can be taken care of by journaling, positive affirmations, or good thoughts, so if you need to speak to a counselor, please contact someone locally. Or try these private online counseling communities, Betterhelp, and Talkspace.

Stay ahead of the schedule, and plan proactively. Maintain your legal documents, advanced health care directives, and personal health records. Take a bird’s-eye-view of what you have on your plate. What medications do you have to manage? What important appointment reminders do you need to set? What items on your list of things to do, can you automate or delegate to another family member or friend? 

If your loved one is mentally active, plan activities that build and enhance their brain activity. Stock up on the fun - order books and audiobooks, and crossword puzzles.